
Anzo USA stands behind our brand and is committed to providing our valuable customers with products of superior quality and reputation. If your product was purchased from Anzo USA website, rest assured that it is back by our one-year warranty. Anzo USA can only honor warranties for products that were either directly purchased from us or from authorized dealers.

Please refer to our list of unauthorized dealers on our Do Not Sell List to verify that your product is legitimate. Although Anzo USA products are sold on Amazon, eBay, and Walmart websites, many of those resellers are not authorized dealers and your warranty will be voided if proof of purchase can not be verified.

If you are uncertain whether you should purchase from certain dealers, please contact us and we will be glad to help. The best option is to directly purchase from our Shop site. Unauthorized dealers are a threat to both our customers and authorized dealers because unauthorized dealers may sell refurbished, inferior, defective, stolen or even counterfeit products.

View and Download Anzo USA DO NOT SELL LIST (xlsx)